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As the name suggests, a bagging machine automates, accelerates and simplifies the process of putting products into bags or pouches. These bags are generally made of paper or plastic.
What can bagging machines bag? Well, pretty much anything. They’re used extensively in the fertilizer and construction industries for the range of powdered and granular materials used by both. And the food industry utilises bagging technology to package flours, starches and sugars among a host of other products.
Suffice it to say the range of bagging machines is as wide as the range of products needing to be bagged for shipment and sale.
If you are looking to buy a Bagging Machine for sale, suppliers on IndustrySearch include Aurora Process Solutions, Premier Tech Systems and Automation, Eurostrap Packaging Systems, Minipack International, HMPS, Nupac Industries, MPI Australia, Chemical Solutions, Australian Weighing Equipment, Mitchell Industries, Ernest Fleming Machinery & Equipment Pty Ltd, TELFORD SMITH Machinery & Engineered Solutions, Allpack Packaging Technologies